Originally posted by seretogis
You could have saved yourself a lot of typing if you just admit that whatever Bush does is wrong wrong wrong, but if Clinton did the same thing it would be understandable. Until third party candidates are worth voting for, the Democrat/Republican argument will continue to be mindless repetition of why when your candidate did something it was bad, but when mine did it it was understandable, or even right.
Where was Clinton when Bush was in the Air National Guard? He wasn't even in the country. Feel free to explain how leaving the country makes Clinton more morally "right" than Bush, who served in the Air National Guard.
actually, i'm not a democrat or a republican. i am liberal, but i don't particularaly care for either party. clinton should have gone and served when he was drafted, rather than going abroad to study and skip out, but this isn't a debate about Clinton. I only mentioned the BJ because someone else brought it up. I really don't like how whenever someone criticizes Bush, Bushites have to bring up the BJ, and then the Clintonites try to defend clinton and retaliate against bush. Clinton is pretty much irrelevant now, since he is no longer president and cannot be pres again because he's served both terms allowed. Bush hasn't, so discussing his character is rather important.