Originally Posted by maximusveritas
hmm, so i did some googling on what was said over the radio transmission. It looks like there's a lot controversy about this and no clear answers.
First of all, the captioning for the broadcast read "there were no survivors...".
However, a clip of the show that's posted on the Lost website appears to be very different from what was shown during the actual broadcast. On it, the person on the other end of the transmission echoes Boone (but in a different, less excited and more monotone voice) "Hello, we're the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815."
Relistening to the broadcast, both could make sense and its possible the show purposely jumbled the words in order to generate a little mystery about it.
Originally Posted by Gilda
According to the TV Tome recap, the closed captioning for the person Boone was speaking to said, ""There were no survivors of Oceanic Flight 815!". Tv Tome is great for picking up all those little connections that are built into each show, especially if you're like me and tend to miss half of them each week because you're into the story.
Just in case anyone is still interested in this little bit of mystery, I happened to be looking through the May 29-June 4 of TVGuide and there is a Q&A with Lost creators JJ Abrams and Damon Lindelof and they were asked about this very issue. Lindelof had this to say: "The words that Boone heard are definitely, "We're the survivors of Flight 815." That's also what Boone said, so it's up to the extrapolation as to whether or not his own words were being bounced back to him. Or is that transmission coming from somebody else claiming to be a survivor of Flight 815?".
I'm soo glad that's finally cleared up, now I know
exactly what's going on.