Originally Posted by djflish
I enjoyed it, thought it was pretty good.
Only two things really bugged me about it:
1. When Palpatine/Sidious tells Vader at the end that it was his fault Padme died, he shouts "Noooooooo". I just can't stop tinking about Emporer Zurg from Toy Story 2! It sounds just like him when he fall of the lift (sorry, elevator)
2. That R2-D2 and C3PO have been turned into Laurel and Hardy. There is absolutely no need for them to be in any of the prequels (not that i can think of anyway)
I just thought odf a third one: R2 can fly! WTF is that all about?!!  He can't in Eps IV, V, VI, he can't even go up stairs!
1. that's because Toy Story 2 had a spoof of star wars (Zurg is Buzz Lightyear's father, ie Vader is Luke's father.)
2. there is a need for them. it ties them into the later movies and explains the relationships among the other characters. It also interjects irony into the first movies (Luke buys droids that he would have inherited if he was in a normal family). Also, in
Splinter of the Mind's Eye, Vader knows all of the access codes. The prequels help explain that mystery as well.
And R2's flight has been, and still is...a mystery. the logical explaination is technology. And R2-D2 could climb stairs...we just never saw him do it (there were stairs on Tatooine, the Ewok village, Bespin, and Hoth. Not to mention the inherant problems on Dagobah.