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Old 06-14-2005, 10:02 AM   #390 (permalink)
Location: Utah
If we build it strong then no one can get in
But dad, don't we want people to get in?
Well we will put a door on it so we can let in
a few people.
But dad, no one will be able to see the light
if we close it up to tight
Son, let me tell you. I used to not have any protection
around it and there was a time when the seasons were so beautiful
and the light shone for everyone to see. People would come from all around to just get a glimpse of it. Then, some peolpe started to vandalize it. The weather turned very bad, and I was afraid it was going to be ruined beyond repair. It was very hard, but I started laying those bricks right there to build a solid foundation. I let a few people see it, and they just continued to chip away at it. It was then I decided of it was going to survive, I had to enclose it fully or it would die.
But Dad, No one will be able to see the light...
Son, can you see it?
Yes dad, but it does'nt shine as brightly as it did before.
Son, you need to take care of your own, and build your own wall.
Dad, did you ever think that it was made to be shared with others?
Dad, Do you think That if I build this wall it is the best for me?
Son, it may not be the best, but I am trying to protect you.
Dad, I cannot build that wall..the light is to beautiful and I want to share it.
In fact, I am going to try to help you tear down yours..
But son...
Dad, I love you
And as she plays,
her sweet song of laughter
floats through the air
and warms my heart
J.R.V.A. is offline  

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