Originally Posted by maleficent
The prosecution blew this case by the charges that they filed. Conspiracy? That'd be pretty tough to prove...
I was watching an interview with Nancy Grace this morning, Ok, so she's a little looney, but she was adament that he should be tried and convicted on what he's done the other 364 days of the year, that it doesn't m atter if this kid's family was lying, he's definitely did it in the past therefor he should be convicted.
Just that someone would beleive that is astounding. It sets a really bad precedent to be able to convict someone on their prior history
This is why I think people should write and get Nancy Grace out of the tv. She's a perfect example of what was wrong with the justice system and what's currently wrong with the media. She's so completely biased that it makes me sick to even see her make up crusted face.