Originally Posted by maleficent
So you advocate playing mind games with women? Ustwo Ustwo Ustwo... Don't you know how much trouble that causes in the long run? What kind of bad reputation women have for playing said mind games...
Don't blame me for the female mind.
Most women don't want nice guys they want strong guys, alpha males if you will.
Took me until I was 20 to figure that out. Once I did I went from short term relationships and hookups, to dating three 'quailty' women at the same time. I ended up marrying one of them and we have been together for the last 13 years.
I could, as usual, go into my genetic theories on this, but the implication is pretty clear.
I've heard this same lament from many guys, be it on message boards or in person, and my advice is sound. I would say it causes no trouble in the long run, because as time passes you can be as attentive as you want, but durring that inital courtship phase, you need to prove to the woman you are worth persuing. If only I knew this when I was 16