Originally Posted by chickentribs
Anybody else remember Kent State? McCarthyism? Segregation? Japanese Internment? Indentured servitude? Slavery? Native Americans? We have only been around as a country for 230 years and have racked up a consistant list of Human Rights violations that are apalling. It doesn't excuse the Chinese government, but we have no moral ground to stand on at all.
So they do have a point, especially recently.
I think this reasoning to be horrilbly flawed, and also rediculous. Using this "logic", there is nobody in the world with any moral ground whatsoever. All peoples have at one time or another committed acts which may be considered human right violations.
Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
So called "Free Trade" is not all that it's cooked up to be.
It's a basis for globalisation and the exploitation of the Third World by the US and EU (primarily).
Nike sells shoes in the US for over $100. It takes quite a bit less than that for them to produce them in the sweatshops of South East Asia.
Mr Mephisto
Most of the blame lies with the governments of the SE Asian countries in this. The only reason people in these areas are able to be exploited for labor is because their gov'ts allow it, where it's not allowed in western countries.