Originally Posted by soccerchamp76
The best quote off of Fark for this whole incident was "Unlike the penis of a small child, Michael Jackson's fate is not in his hands"
Even if the evidence was not credible for some of the charges, at least convict him on some of the lesser charges, such as conspiracy.
The dude has a sensor that lets him know if someone is approaching his bedroom, and in that same bedroom, he sleeps with little kids. Do the math. The man is guilty, and like OJ and Martha (Martha being guilty means nothing, she spent a couple months in a resort), they got off.
Uh...the accusers said there was a sensor. AFAIK, it was a load of BS.
As for the whole "celebrity" argument, if there's ANY celebrity whom being so hurts, it's Michael Jackson. Yes, there was a load of fans outside the courtroom, but how many other people (as evidenced by this thread) think he is a freak, already decided he molests children before these charges even took places, and just generally dislike or are disturbed by him. Now, take a random sampling of 12 people...maybe ONE of them is going to fall into the "fan" category. These jurors found him "not guilty" on the evidence alone, not on the basis of his "celebrity."