It was a laugh riot. I got there at 4 in the afternoon and while it was ridiculously hot, I was able to chat with some friends until it was time to start the signing. I wanted to have him sign something unique, but meeting him face to face, I was pretty star struck and just answered his question about what I do for a living.
Getting to the line so early (like second in line), I was able to get some great seats for the movie. The movie is a total trip. A weird ass movie, so proclaimeth Bruce.
And then we had the Q&A. And damn, there were some STUPID questions. You know how teachers always say, there are no stupid questions? Wrong. There were some questions that made me embarrassed to be in the audience. Questions like, "Why was Ted Raimi's hand larger in some scenes?"
In fact, if anyone attends the Q&A session in a later city, ask him what he thought of the Q&A session in Campbell and let me know what he says. And for Gods sake, ask him a good question, maybe pertaining to the directing or the writing or something intelligent.
All in all, Bruce is super cool. During and after the screening of the movie(11:30 PM), he was still signing autographs for fans waiting there.
I'll post some pics in the portraits forum shortly.