Originally Posted by ngdawg
OJ, Celeb...............Not Guilty
Robert Blake, Cleb......Not Guilty
Jackson, Celeb.........Not Guilty
Scott Peterson, Not Celeb.....Guilty
Explain Martha Stewart :P
Originally Posted by Medusa99
I figured he was guilty...but I didn't pay attention to all the evidence as closely as the jurors I guess. I wonder if we'll see him in court again in ten years.
Man, Jacko was pretty busy with the trials, I doubt that in 10 years (Which most of the new accusers would be 20 by then) there would be much accurers as there is today...
I was hoping he was guilty. I mean, jeez, there was alot of evidence against Wacko Jacko, then again, there was alot of evidence discr editing the evidences against Jacko.
Now that the cirus is over, I wonder what the media is gonna suck the blood out now...
I love this quote off Fark
"We, the jury, find Michael Jackson to be...a freak"
"I meant the Verdict"