Originally Posted by host
What do you disagree with in Pincus's reporting in this article?
I'd be more comfortable (with what he reports as fact) if he could produce this 'memo'. He can't. The biggest hint of Pincus' bias is his record of speaking out against the war and everything related to it. It's simply a matter of public record. The assertion here that the
"U.S. military was not preparing adequately for...a "protracted and costly" postwar occupation of that country" is obvious to everyone by now, and Pincus is using it to make a political anti-war statement. Is there a science to reconstructing an entire country from scratch? Is it really just a matter of referring to the "How to Rebuild A Ruined Nation in 60 Days" manual? You have to question the motivation of someone who - article after article - chooses to put a blatantly negative spin on an obvious situation.
Originally Posted by host
Is roachboy's observation valid that the "liberal media" has a tendency to publish articles such as the one written by Pincus. on the weekend when they don't receive as much attention as they could? Would a truly "liberal" media not give the article more exposure.....say on the front page on a tuesday?
I don't dispute roachboy's point of a mistake made by running an ad during low-traffic time slots. The Democrats also made the mistake of electing Howard Dean as their party chairman, so how can one make heads or tails out of anything they do lately? If the article was 100% accurate and verifiable, why wasn't it published in primetime?
And to top it off, al-Jazeera - the unoffical mouthpiece of the insurgency - ran the story on the front page of their website. Credibility issues here.