Originally Posted by Ustwo
I assume you mean me
Sorry but when you are only getting one half of the story, (the parents) and we are talking about a life threatening illness I see the parents wishes as secondary. Apparently the girls cancer HAD returned, no treatment = death.
I don't advocate letting parents kill their children...at any stage of their development.
Not necessarily just you.... I just don't see how one can argue that there is too much government interference then allow government take not just the ill child but all the children because the parents are not "doing" what is expected.
A return of cancer and no treatment does NOT automatically = death. I have known someone who had Hodgkins, minimal treatments and done the holistic thing and has been very well and alive for 15 years since it's discovery. Hodgkins from my understanding has many different treatments and many different life expectancies.
Again, if the child is well informed and has been explained everything and makes a decision that also should be taken into account.
When I was a kid I watched on of those cancer movies about the runner who got it..... I was traumitized but I told my family I would rather die than go through treatments, be sicker and then still die.
If she has been told she has a 50/50 chance (or whatever the odds) but she'll lose her hair, be extremely ill and may never have children.... then perhaps she finds no reason to have the treatments.
When it comes to life and the subject is well educated and understands all options then no matter what the age, if that person can make a rational judgement based on the facts and how they want to live..... they have that right.