From what I gather, (I have a lot of free time at work

)she's very serious about it.
Stories about the whole thing are all over the internet. The gist of it being that Holmes spends an awful lot of time in the company of some sort of roving band of Scientologists. From what I understand they've been going out with her on her press junkets for Batman Begins and such. They supposedly spent a lot of time sequestered in a small room during the MTV Movie awards and, Cruise's sister (I think it's his sister..), who's also a big Scientologist, has been sitting in on Holmes' interviews and such lately.
There's a whole movement on the internet (well, what doesn't have a whole movement on the internet...oy vey) selling t-shirts and such..
Here's a link I pulled off of google selling shirts...
Kind of odd, from reading interviews and such, I always thought she had a pretty good head on her shoulders. In the end and despite the stuff I've posted, I don't really care all that much. I mean, Tom Cruise is a much bigger nut, in my opinion, but I'll probably go see War of the Worlds. As long as they're not outside my house throwing shitty L. Ron Hubbard books at my door...then we might have a problem.
I'd be interested in how many, if any, Scientologists we have here on the boards. I haven't seen anything from any particular member, but I could have missed something, I guess.