I wouldn't bother talking to her. It won't make her stop. The fact that she cheated on you and is telling lies about you shows her weak character as well as the fact that she does not care how anything she does affects you. If anything, it will just encourage her because she knows it is bothering you.
Sinking to her level and lying about her is even worse. Telling the truth about her cheating to your friends is fine, because the truth is the truth.
If this is affecting your social life, then speak to those nearest you ( circle of friends ) and set them straight with the truth. Her friends are always going to side with her and nothing you say or do will change that. Also your ex and her friend's opinions are not worth your time or effort.
If any of her lies affects you to the point where it is detrimental to your life, ( Job related problems, can't rent an apartment, etc ) then it is time to go to court and sue for monetary damage and an injunction to make her stop spreading lies. Slander is illegal.
I hope this helps.
***quick edit*** Just read the post above mine ( was being typed at the same time as this one ) Slander is verbal untruths, and Libel is written untruths. I used to work as a System Admin of a newspaper.
Problem Lies Between Seat and Keyboard.