And akito I can offer you some help as far as website information.
If you haven't learned html (you probably have) then you need to learn it first

After that I'd either try and find helpful websites or go buy a php for dummies book (I've never read it but I know it exists). Those books tend to give useful information.
Another good way to get through the struggle of coding (works for almost every language) is to borrow matterials. I don't mean steal to make work, but go to a large php based website and view the code. Cut and paste things until you find out what each statement is doing and why it's working like it is. This may help you out a bit, if you have any questions be sure to ask (pm if needed =). Sorry that I can't really help with php, I never bothered to learn it. But I'll try if need be.. code seems to be my thing.