College is a corrupt business that takes advantage of a corrupt society. Rating how dumb or smart people are by their education history is wrong. I've seen idiots with degrees and geniouses without. Everything learned in college can be learned outside of college. I attended college and learned what they had to teach, unfortunately most of what they taught I learned prior to college from self-learning means. If you want to follow the corrupt ways and get a degree to better yourself financially (as if most ppl would do it for another reason) then by all means do, however do not make the assumption that you are better in any way shape or form to someone without a degree.
I will say it again, from college I've learned "Idiots go to college and waste money while smart people don't"
Not that no one should go but make your own decision, just remember if you go, for every thing you learn in college someone has learned it outside of it worth the cost?