Obviously the person attacking Hal and TFP knows little about both. That has been established thoroughly, and all I wonder is if perhaps said person IS here for the TB?
Personally, that's not what I came for and that's not why I came back after a year and a half away. It's also not why I stay.
I come for the people. I come for the open affection I get from many other TFPers, for the opinions, for the advice. I come for the "ladies in arms" feeling I get from the LL, the opportunity to offer my expertise in Sexuality. But really, I stay because of the people--because of Halx, sweetpea, Charlatan, Gilda, kramus, Shanifaye, K-Wise, tecoyah, abaya, amonkie, Lebell, sexymama, ngdawg, ratbastid, lurkette, TOK, Squishor, Sage...I could go on and on and on with my list as to why I come here (and if I missed you I sincerely apologize).
And THAT is why I donated.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau