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Old 06-11-2005, 10:51 PM   #9 (permalink)
All important elusive independent swing voter...
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Location: People's Republic of KKKalifornia
Mr. Host, great thread. One question: I understand you feel the US should withdraw immediately on the grounds that the US has failed one of its missions; to secure the area and protect the people (I just want to make sure I understood you correctly).

I know you said you have no ideas for the next step, but wouldn't an immediate US troop withdrawal be detrimental to Iraq? (i.e. - more violence, less security ect) and thus worsen the situation? Do you think that the presence of US troops would be worse than the absence? What dou you think should then take the place of the US troops? Wouldn't it be better to have the US "finish" the job first?

Mr. Mephisto: So far the discussion has been oriented around US action. What do you think about Australian presence (UK et al) in Iraq? Should the rest of the "caolition" forces withdraw and let the US "do its own laundry" or should they stick around and help out? How does that affect the situation? US mess, international clean up?

P.S. - How's the new place in Perth?

Will, interesting thoughts there, I like your idea of the Renaissance man. It reminds me of what Thucydides said about philospher -soldiers. Same with Plato too I think (Maybe Roachboy can verify).

Do you think the natural resources should be guarded by the Iraqis instead? The consideration is they aren't trained enough or qualified. Or maybe an international force. Presumably, the resources still need to be guarded right? I like your idea of handing over resources as a goodwill gesture and show of good faith. However, the main problem of securing the area and stabilizing it still remains.

My position (in short and simply stated) is that the US made a mess, the US needs to clean it up. Personally, I also fall into the group of people that think we shouldn't have gone in the first place, but we can't unring the bell. IMO, we should at least "do the right thing" (subjective, I know) and fix the situation first. I believe that securing the area (for all) and stability is the main priority, then we (the US) can scram.
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