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Old 06-11-2005, 09:22 PM   #22 (permalink)
Location: Just West of Hell
Everything depends on what you want it for. If you just want to shoot paper, I would recommend a .22LR pistol, preferably a semi-automatic so you don't have to reload as often.

If you want a defense weapon, it depends on if you just want home defense or you choose to carry the weapon with you.
-If it's just you or you and your S/O and you think the most likely scenario will be defending from your bed(room), then I would suggest a shotgun with bird or buck shot. Reasons for this are: the racking sound may scare the intruder away; you can shoot through the door in a wide pattern, if you shoot in the direction of the intruder, you will most likely hit him with at least some of the shot, etc.
-If you have kids, you may want to rethink the gun as first line of defense (not that I think that parents shouldn't own guns...). If you still want one for this purpose, I would get a 9mm and utilize blue dots/glazers, or whatever they're called in your area. These rounds are made to stop in whatever they penetrate and not "pass through". This keeps the stray bullet from possibly hitting something you don't want to hit.

If you want to have a weapon for concealed carry, a small-framed 9mm semi-auto would be a decent place to start. HK makes a compact 9mm that feels good in my hand and so does Sig (P226 or P228). Beretta also makes a good compact (92 Compact L).

I have been carrying for years and I prefer the stopping power of .45's. I carry a 1911-type, mostly for stopping power and reliability reasons.
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