As some of you may or may not know, Martel and I go to Victoria's Secret a lot, and we always end up getting such neat stuff there. As a "larger" lady (meaning, as someone who is not shaped like their models) I often find it difficult to fit into any of their underwear. However, while pawing through the big bins of underwear at their semi-annual sale the other day, I came across THE greatest pair of underwear in the world:
They're sexy, they're stretchy, they feel like you don't have anything on, and when you wear them you feel like your own private underwear model/porn star.
They also happen to be $7.99 a pair and they're in the panties section of the Very Sexy Lace collection
Third pair down on this page
I also find Jockeys to be really stretchy and comfortable, and not give me any underwear marks, but I have a really hard time finding them in my size for some reason.
If you guys have any comfortable underwear recommendations to add to the pot, please feel free!