My favorite outrageous conspiracy theory is either the one about the Rothschild's connection to Satan or the 'Bush being a cyborg' story. Those always make me laugh. That being said...
Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
There's so many stupid stupid people out there...
When I write something in a thread called "Mystery of the disapearing 757", I expect plenty of those who are with me, plenty of those who don 't care, and plenty of those who hate me or think I'm nuts. That's fine, as it is the nature of such discussions. Is it really necessary to bring the bashing to new threads?
I understand that there are those who not only disagree, but probably hate the 9/11 conspiracy theories. You ar welcome to your opinions, and I totally support your right to your own opinions. Can we please refrain from calling people stupid?
Also, in the spirit of grammer nazis everywhere (and to let out some of my anger), it should have been "There
are so many stupid stupid people out there...".