Originally Posted by james t kirk
No time to reply in any decent format, but
Have you seen the models for the addition on the ROM?
Talk about an abomination of "look at me architecture"
I could care less if they wanted to build some ice cube somewhere (like Downsview), but attached to the ROM?
What were they (the museum board of directors) thinking???
It looks like some cancerous growth on one of the most beautiful buildings in town.
I am on a wait and see with this addition... What, for me, will make all the difference is what it looks like on the inside... The exterior *might* come out OK. It has changed quite a bit since the first scibble we were shown due to budget. The original design was much more impressive because it was all glass and far more pointy... As it is now, it is clad in metal and glass and just doesn't pop the way it was originally concieved.
It seems it is one of those changes that anger people in process but that a city comes to embrace (no one liked the Sydney Opera House when it was first commissioned). Time will tell but I am not holding my breath
What I'm more peeved about is the Frank Geary addition to the AGO... it looks like like an afterthought... but again budget restraints are preventing more. The interior looks like it will be good though.
The upside of all this new interesting architecture (the ROM, the AGO, the OCAD, the Opera House and the new one on the NW corner of College and University) is that a city that has lamentable buildings is getting interested once more in urban design and good architecture.