Originally Posted by chickentribs
I did kind of ramble... The insurgents are blowing things up because we have come in and taken everything from them, and put their enemies (the shia) in control of the government. We call it democracy, they call it the lazy and dumb are running the asylum now. Terrorist aren't born, we have made a lot of them and we continue to.
So, in essence you're stating the well-known fact that these "resistance fighters" are killing innocent people because they're angry they lost their power.
Screw 'em.
IMO, terrorism is *never* acceptable. Killing random people and destroying random things in order to spread fear is bad, m'kay. Now, if these insurgents are attacking the army/police/government, I can sort of understand it (even if I oppose it!). But blowing up car bombs in crowded streets is just unacceptable, no matter what the goal may be.