From what i can tell from what is explained about the situation i'll have to go with the side of the parents on this one. It's their child. Imagine having having to watch your child go through chemotherapy, being extremely weakened, most likely losing all her hair. Dealing with that kinda of stuff every day, not knowing if she'll survive.. then finally it goes into remission and she's ok. Now the doctors want to put her back under radiation, which itself can cause cancer as well as kill it, and weaken her even more for no reason other than "standard procedure".
And if their religion is playting a bigger role in this than they let on then that is also their right. It's a passive religous practice, it's not like they're sticking their daughter on a slab and sacrificing her in a naked ritual in the woods on the full moon. |Either the parents should have control over what goes on witht heir daughter, or their daughter should be given the right to make her own choice, no matter what her age. If an early teen can be given the choice whether or not she is going to have an abortion (while in state custody), then this girl should be given the same choice about what to do with her own body.
If the state does end up with her, they had better pay for every cent of "treatment", and everything that is caused by that treatment, forever.
We Must Dissent.
Last edited by ObieX; 06-10-2005 at 08:44 PM..