Here is where the essence of your freinds bigotry seems to have come out.
"Homosexuality is biologically unnatural, therefore a line must be drawn somewhere."
There are quite a few things wrong with this statement:
1. From an evolutionary perspective homosexuality is perfectly natural, normal and acceptable. We don't have to regulate it as it is self regulating from an evolutionary perspective IF it is actually a genetically driven behaviour. If it isn't genetic and it's a memetically driven behaviour there is no difference as the "MEME" can only reproduce to a certain extent before the species will have to become HETRO in it's behaviour or face extinction. (not likely to be an issue in the first place)
If you don't know what a meme or a gene are please feel free to do a search in the philosophy section for these words. They have ample explanations in that section.
2.Homosexuals can and should do as they please. You are not the one to draw any line that controls their behaviour. They are free people just like you and I.
3. Even if you were one to draw a line regarding homosexuality, you could not possibly enforce it. It has been tried for thousands of years, homosexuality has survived regardless of efforts to quench it. History proves your freind wrong, especially if he thinks he is the one to "draw the line". Perhaps he should visit the history of some other "line drawers" like "HITLER" and "THE POPES OF THE 11th through the 17th centuries" or perhaps the "Taliban".
4.Your freinds outright bigotry (sorry if I offend but this spade has to be called a spade) is much more damaging to our culture and to our nation and any homosexual could ever be. If you don't beleive this then check out history again:
People who try to rule the world through "dogma" inevitably end up demonizing certain groups (often homosexuals, more often other cultures) and go out find them and kill them. This is much worse than any of the behaviours homosexuals have ever exhibited. 90 million died in the last century because of wars over "dogma". Nazi Dogma included.
Some one had to say it.
Living on the edge of sanity
Last edited by RCAlyra2004; 06-10-2005 at 08:10 PM..