Originally Posted by d*d
yes, finite space is tangible and far more comprehensible. Infinity is a concept, an abstraction that does not exist except as a mathematical tool.
From what I understand boundaries are as hard to find as infinate space. The best we can do is aproximate where one thing ends and another one starts. It also seem that we never actually seen an end of things alltogether. One seems to follow the other and another.
For myself to say finite space is tangible, is to say that a poket of space is tangible, but it's pretty damn hard to imagine an end to the world now isn't it.
The problem with every analogy given is that they require space to expand into something.
The ballon example:
- we got two points.
- the two points move away from each other creating space.
- but in order to create that space I had to displace the air around the baloon.
All that was to simply say: I don't get it