I've only had younger people call me 'hon' or 'sweety' or 'darl'... I don't like it. They don't know me, they are sometimes 15yrs my juniour, and as hunnychile mentioned, they are usually condescending in tone or too wrapped up in themselves to even look at my face (or hear my tone of voice on the phone) when they are talking to me.
Older women are different, I don't mind it so much. The greeks have a word "Thea". It's a bit like saying Auntie.. it's more a respect term. I don't think we actually have a term likened to this one? It would be easier if we did...
I had a polite girl serve me the other day.. she called me Ma'am.. I remembered the thread re the Ma'am term, I couldn't for the life of me come up with a better term that she could have used. I was with my SO so she first said Sir, then Ma'am.. in context she was polite and happy to serve us well and with a smile. I couldn't complain...
To those who wander but who are not lost...
~ Knowledge is not something you acquire, it is something you open yourself to.