Here's a direct quote from the site you linked to...
War Crimes Committed Against U.S. Military Personnel, June 8, 1967
Submitted to the Secretary of the Army in his capacity as Executive Agent for the Secretary of Defense, June 8, 2005.
If the people this affected didn't care for 38 years, why should anyone else?
Heres a direct quote from another website run by the so called USS Liberty Veterans Association, Inc...
The ship's crew is bitter. It is bitter because its own country turned its back on them... it is bitter because someone killed 34 Americans and got away with it...what's more, that its own government covered up the truth and HELPED them get away with it!
"Ahhh," you say. "Anti-Semitism!" No. Many of the ship's crew are Jewish, and we have many Jewish friends. We are NOT anti-Semitic. We ARE anti-Israel. We know that Israel has controlled the American congress for years... to the point where 34 dead sailors can go un-investigated!
Hmmm, Israel controls the US congress. I've heard this rhetoric spouted before. More crazies spouting propaganda and conspiracy theories? Perhaps...