38 years ago man. If nothing has come of it in the last 38 years, what are the odds of anything that happens now having any meaning or even relating to what happened so long ago. If the same people are alive now and still in any position of power, what makes you think they are the same people they were back then. I did some really stupid stuff when I was 15, should I be punished for it when I'm 53? Its stupid, if this wasn't taken care of 30+ years ago, nobody cared then, and the people that are whining about it now didn't care then and are only pushing it now as some sort of meal ticket.
If you have beliefs about something, stand up for them when they matter, but if you let it slide for 38 years, take your begging for pity and a meal ticket and shove it. Thats my opinion anyway. These people want to put it all behind them now? How have they lived the last 38 years then? If they could live with themselves then, they can keep doing it. In this age of lawsuits and people who are whining pussies looking for a free handout, things like this disgust me.
There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances.
Leon Trotsky