Originally Posted by Irishsean
I can see why this would be relavent 38 years ago, but today?
What if it takes decades for the victims of the attack to get their chance to truly resolve the issue?
Originally Posted by Irishsean
I rank this the same as all the people whose ancestors generations back were opressed and think that because of that, they deserve something. So your ancestors had some bad stuff happen to them, suck it up, learn from it, and go on to better yourself. Don't try and get handouts because your people were oppressed or hurt decades ago. Those ancestors you cry about all the time and use as a meal ticket would be ashamed of you.
This isn't a bunch of people demanding reparations for something that happened to their ancestors 300 years ago. These are men who were victims of a vicious attack that was possibly intentional, and are basically asking for their "day in court", so to speak.
I wouldn't be in favor of some "solution" that involved the great-great-great-great grandchildren of Israelis paying reparations to the great-great-great-great grandchildren of USS
Liberty veterans, or anything like that. But if there was any intentional wrong-doing on the part of the Israeli government, shouldn't those responsible be punished (assuming they are still alive)? If there was a cover-up on the part of the American government, should those responsible be punished (assuming they are still alive)?