I don't get called hon much, but I do get called ma'am and Mrs.... Er, thanks everyone, I'm 19.... not your grandma. Along with the fact that I'm not married. Though I think I get called ma'am the most in feed stores and other horse related places where I'm dealing with older men who were brought up in big polite western or mid-western ranching families. Thus, they were taught to call women ma'am. I'm not shocked by them calling me ma'am, however when it's a man/woman about my age in the grocery store that does it I usually stand and peer at them until they mutter some sort of apology.
I also have an issue with over use of my name as in those people who use it at the beginning of every sentence. Maybe because my mother has a particular way of yelling it at me across the house, and did alot when I was a child. Or maybe because I feel like people use the names of people they're talking to when they're trying to get more attention and show everyone around them that they really do know who they're talking to. I also equate the fact that I don't like having my name used because the same people who continually use my name can't seem to say "JADE" no no, it's usually Jude, Jane, Jake (er, I have boobs thanks), Jay.... My name isn't that hard. And they don't seem to want to learn, I tell them my name twice and if they can't learn it then it's not worth my time to talk to them.
Horses come and go, but some leave permanent hoof prints on your life.