Originally Posted by pan6467
I am sorry you feel the rich are entitled to keep all they have and fuck everyone else because they weren't lucky enough to be born wealthy or to find that great paying job, or to be able to afford college, or to be smart enough or to have that drive..... sorry, it's bullshit to believe everyone can make the riches on their own, especially with wages going downward. Some can but the vast majority can't.
But thats where you're wrong. I wasn't born into a wealthy family, far from it. My father was enlisted in the AF for 20 years. I had 4 brothers and sisters. We were not rich by any means. I remember nights when all we ate was rice and gravy. I drank powdered milk. I never had anything name-brand. My brothers and sisters and I got our clothes from the thrift shop. I bought my first car for $300 when I was 18 with money I saved myself.
I don't know what you mean by "afford college" I finished college, (BS & MS) and have $80,000 in loans to pay back. I didn't land a great paying job either, but I make enough to make ends-meet right now. After taxes and bills I've got just enough money to eat with. I save what I can when I can.
But do you hear me whining? Do you hear me saying I'm entitled to anything other than the money I work hard for? But I'm optimistic. I know that I will be wealthy one day. I know I've worked hard and will keep working hard so that my children will be better off than I was/am. I know that the money I get paid is directly related to the amount of money my company makes, and the more money I make for the company, the more money I make. Its that simple. So I work hard, set goals, and strive to do the best. and all I want out of it is the money I'm entitled to because I earned it.
Thats what the American Dream is about. The opportunity to work hard and better your life and your childrens' lives. period. Its not about universal healthcare or a high minimum wage. Its about opportunity. Its a shame though when one person's achievements go punished because someone else feels they are entitled to something because they got the short end of the stick. Well, hell, I got a short stick too. But I sharpened it to a point and used it to help me climb up.
The attitude that you are putting forth never got anyone anywhere.