Originally Posted by maleficent
I think the worst part of it for a little kid, that it could happen to them... Heck any age might think that... Is a toddler too young for fire drills? Probably, but showing him where the smoke detectors are and where the fire extinguishers are might help.. and also stress how important it is that no one got hurt, that they can rebuild.
I second this wholeheartedly. I see you've already dealt with the general issue to some degree, but I would be sure to do something to reassure your child that your house is not about to fall down, too.
Obviously, you can't promise that it won't happen (it's a really good bet, but a bummer if you are proven wrong), but I would explain how sometimes things like this happen and that is why you have smoke detectors, etc.
I also think it can't hurt to talk about what to do if a smoke detector goes off.