Originally Posted by lurkette
I'm so very tired of the publicity surrounding this case. I don't think he's particularly talented - he writes trite pop that, while catchy, isn't particularly interesting. His biggest selling point is that he was a child star who turned into a popular singer (and excellent dancer, gotta admit) who then got to be famous for just being a freak. I don't care whether he is guilty or not, frankly. I don't see any reason for this to be so widely covered - it's just another legal case in a sea of legal cases that have no bearing on my life or anyone else's who's not involved. I have to roll my eyes when I see on MSNBC.com that they'll break into broadcasts when the verdict is read. It's not like it's the Rodney King verdict. Sheesh.
This pretty much sums up how I feel about it. I really couldn't care less. I was never into his music or his dancing and to be honest everytime I see a broadcast about it, I change the channel; especially if Nancy Grace is covering it. (What a biased journalist

On another note, Making fun of the fat guy (who incedentally isn't fat as far as I can tell) is pretty lame and takes away the real reason behind this thread.