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Old 06-08-2005, 11:25 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: Windy City
Headphone Dilemma... Advice Appreciated

I have a unique problem when it comes to wearing headphones, and I have decided it was time to find an answer. I am completely deaf in my left ear, and wear a hearing aid in my right. My main purposes for wearing headphones are to listen to my discman, but lately due to a new job have been needing it for video editing work I do now, and I need the audio louder so I can hear.

Most headphones I have seen automatically split the sound 50/50. This presents a problem for me because I then only capture at best 30-40% of the sound from the right side of the 50%. I have been looking for a headphone that is single ear - it must be external because I need my hearing aid in in order to hear anything. I tried searching "Single Ear" headphones, but all it brought up was DJ equipment that has dual ears, but the option of one ear listening.

Am I completely wasting my time even bothering to find something? I really enjoy listening to music, and feel like I'm missing out in places where I can't adequately hear based on the limitations of my current headphones - I found a basic behind the head dual ear that seems to be the most accomodating so far fit wise, but still does not resolve the sound issue.

Any suggestions, comments, tips would be well appreciated - Price is not really an issue at this point because I simply haven't found anything that fits my needs, and if there IS something, I'm used to having to pay more to adapt my lifestyle.
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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