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Old 06-08-2005, 10:34 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Location: Los Angeles, CA
Originally Posted by cellophanedeity
I was just reading the "Christians and the TFP" thread and I had a thought.

The story of Adam and Eve says (please correct me if I am mistaken at any point here) that a snake convinces Eve and, by connection, Adam to eat the forbidden fruit, which God told them specifically not to do. For this, Adam and Eve are pushed out into the world.

It seems to me that the Christian faith says that this is where it all went wrong. Even taking the story as no more than a story, I disagree. What would be the point of living forever if one was just happy and ignorant the entire time? Is life not for knowledge?

Why even bother if you're just going to be a sedated pet?
if you were given all the world to control... and do as you please... and was told not to touch ONE tree out of all the world...

and you go and touch it, i'd say you're rather greedy... you touch fire, you get burned...

got put that tree for 1 reason... free will

the sole purpose he did NOT want his creations to become sedated pets...
that tree gave no real knowledge.. adam and eve can obviously see and be content that they were naked...

all they did by eating that fruit was go against God, which he wasnt too happy about. and going against God = Sin... and GOd cannot be with Sin, so he had to toss adam and eve out of Eden...

being eden, you were not a blind pet to be ruled over by God, he gave freedom... in fact, adam and eve were without sin... they were happy and content.. not knowing what sadness and pain (phhsycal or emotion) felt like...

thanks to them... we now know...
thanks to them... we couldnt do anything about it...
thanks to them... god had to come down himself and take it upon himself to suffer this world and die for us...

thank you adam and eve. your stupid fruit cursed a bajiajdsifjasdfllion centuries...

Last edited by Wyckd; 06-08-2005 at 10:38 PM..
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