Originally Posted by pan6467
You take away people's healthcare and eventually there will be a revolution the likes this country has never seen or is prepared for.
You've said this repeatedly about several topics. Would you care to clarify, just for my sake, whether you're predicting or threatening revolution?
Originally Posted by chickentribs
1) It is already a socialized system administered by insurance companies with undue burden placed on your employer which in turn is paid by you out of salary you would have gotten. Taxed is actually the best chance you have to pay only your share.
I pay less for an individualized plan than the quoted article claims I'm paying, so I have reason to doubt their numbers across the board. Even if I am paying more than I would under a socialized system, I currently get to choose my doctor, and he spends as much time as I need him to spend addressing whatever is wrong with me. I don't recall hearing anyone defend soicalized medical care by claiming that they get to do that.
Originally Posted by Mantus
The govenment is not our oppressor, they are hired by us to run this country. We give them taxes so that they can do their job.
I'm really not sure how to respond to this. Even if I did consider taxes to be a salary for the government, I'd still see them wasting money and abusing the power that the "right" to tax us gives them.