Well I have installed it on two compuers. Both are about the same setup, but one has 1 gig of ram and the other has 512 megs of ram. Both have Geforce 4 ti's and 2.4 gig Intel processors. So far no glitches that I can see, audio or video. It took a bit to get used to looking around with the mouse while driving, but it does help. Like when you come up to an intersection, you can look left and right before going through. I haven't started any missions yet. Just maxed my bicycle skills while collecting weapons. Bout to start working on my driving skills and max it before starting up the first mission. I did find one tiny glitch. There is a sawed off shotgun in a rail car on the far southeast part of the map. I can't get into the rail car. Each time I jump trying to get into the rail car CJ grabs the roof of the rail car and I can't get in. The only way I've been able to get in the rail car and get the shotgun is by bunny hopping into the rail car with a bicycle. This weekend I should have CJ big pimpin.