The problem is in the system. We are leading the world in healthcare spending but lacking behind in results. Clearly throwing money at the issue isn't solving anything. Almost all the countries at the top of the WHO list spend a fraction of what we spend, yet we were in 76th place the last time I checked.
The problem isn't that American's are getting too much healthcare - we arn't. Nor that American's arn't paying enough for their healthcare - we pay more then anyone. The problem is that our healthcare system is in shables and it will take some strong reforms to even beggin to set it back on track.
You make some rather odd statements.
The govenment is not our oppressor, they are hired by us to run this country. We give them taxes so that they can do their job.
i'm sick of people who suck off the government's (our) teat yet buy a new car. guess what? if you have a computer, if you go out to eat regularly, if you own a car, if you have cable television... YOU CAN AFFORD HEALTHCARE.
You asume that every one in the states has such luxuries. I know a couple of people who are just out of college, are debt and cannot afford cable never mind a couple of cars. You provide the statistics yet asume that those people are living in luxury and just happen to leech off the rest of us. This simply isn't the case. In fact when it comes to the majority of the population your theory of self-ufficiency works well until a familly is hit by a major illness. Medical insurance often dosnt cover all the costs. With the high cost of treatment for illnesses such as cancer any percentage one has to pay can become a financial disaster. Most "middle class" families are one major illness away from being sent to the gutter.
no, they don't deserve it. as men and women of compassion we should aid those who cannot help themselves. however, it's immoral to have the government force that upon us.
You are arguing for and against the same concept.
The point is do you either do or do not want every citizen in this country to have access to healthcare. If you do then one way or another we will need to take resources from those who have them and give them to those who don't and lets face it with the way the economy is going there are allot of people who don't.
If we are to look at ourselves as a nation we have to run ourselves as a nation. In order for that to happen taxes are a necessity. How else do we address national issues such as infrastructure, education and health? But thats a topic for a whole other debate.