Originally Posted by KingOtter67
That could certainly be the case. I'll admit, I wasn't paying too much attention to corporate cronyism and the like concerning the federal government in high school. I was....well, my thoughts were elsewhere.
Now big government is certainly in the pocket of big business and has been for a while, but it just seems that every other week a new story surfaces about this administration doing something, for lack of a better term, bad. I mean, secret meetings to develop the nation's energy plan, playing corporate cronyism with Enron and Halliburton (two companies with pretty strong ties with the President and Vice President), the secret war planning, the Downing Street memos, the big drug bill that seems to benefit the big drug conglomerates, the bankruptcy bill that seems to benefit the credit card companies, redacted enviromental reports edited not by scientists but folks with ties to big oil, etc...
Maybe it's because the world has gotten a bit smaller what with the crazy news coverage on cable, and the internet, not to mention the millions of "independent" news sources like political blogs and such that these kind of practices are getting more attention than in the past. I couldn't say for sure. Like I said, the federal government has been kowtowing (did I spell that right?) to the needs of big business for years, but it just seems like there's an awful lot of it these days under President Bush's watch.