Wow, this is a very BAD idea. The British tried the same sh*t back inthe day with an Assyrian militia under their control.
Everything I've read (academic, policy papers, expert,not journalist, analysis) totally seems to be ignored.
My professor was telling us the other day how when he advised Reagan, all his advice was never taken. Same with alot of the visiting academics at our school including Warren Christopher (damn, I wish I took his class). But the major trend I noticed, is that the policies implemented never seem to be based on the policy advisors. Seems foolish and wasteful to me ( a poor student who obviously doesn't have the inside track to how Washington works).
Quick! Issue me a temp ban! I need to study but I can't resist talking with you guys! I am actually trying to finish up my 15 page paper on the British experience in Iraq during the Mandates Period (I have one complete page done). It's due by 2:30PM Thursday PST. Well, at least I have all my sources and citations tagged. My thesis is pretty tight (I think), I just need to type, type away. I think a page an hour plus two more hours for final edit should do it.
If anyone's interested, I can post updates every few hours or so, then the final.
Sh*t! Gotta go, go, go! *AhGAHRGHGAHHGRH!!1/.......