Originally Posted by pan
See but your side offers no solution and in the end the wealthy pay for it anyway and we bankrupt society.
not supporting your solution isn't the same thing as not having one at all. i'm unsure why you try to call conservatives out, but didn't bother to respond to the questions i posed before.
i feel there are too many institutionalized people in our society. somehow they are convinced that if the government (via our tax dollars, something that is often overlooked), doesn't provide a service... it won't be available.
the solution to this whole problem is for everyone to pay for the healthcare they receive via their own insurance policies or out of pocket. what isn't covered there would have to come from their local charity or place of worship.
i'm sick of people who suck off the government's (our) teat yet buy a new car. guess what? if you have a computer, if you go out to eat regularly, if you own a car, if you have cable television... YOU CAN AFFORD HEALTHCARE.
all this whining about 15% of Americans without healthcare, all the while the automobiles in this country outnumber the drivers.
I find it a pathetic and selfish display of ego to say that people who cannot afford healthcare do not deserve it, and that is what you are indeed saying.
no, they don't deserve it. as men and women of compassion we should aid those who cannot help themselves. however, it's immoral to have the government force that upon us.
And by your example it is ok to pay billions to a company like Haliburton for military supplies that our military never recieves or recieves late, or to allow them to overcharge for fuel.
I have a feeling if we asked Americans to vote where their taxes would go ..... far more would vote for universal healthcare than for any other purpose.
that doesn't make it just.
It is becoming a serious issue and the Right cannot keep hiding from it much longer, it is on it's way to becoming THE biggest issue. If the GOP leaders show the compassion and care towards others that your post displayed..... then they will lose. They had better come up with a plan because in '06 and '08 this issue will be what drives Americans to the polls.
no one is hiding. it's just that they don't agree with you. the day a sense of entitlement is the major issue that drives my countrymen to the polls will be the day we've lost a big piece of what made us what we are.
BTW I pay taxes, and I would have no problem with a healthcare system based on ability to pay or a universal system. I do however have problems with my money going to companies that rip off the US military in times of war, or a government that closes VA Hospitals and cuts veteran benefits promised to them, while giving themselves pay raises and making sure they get the best healthcare on my tax dollars.
...you're out in left field with the haliburton thing. no one will argue the point.