Originally Posted by guthmund
Well, to be fair, I think it's always been a bit bad.
It just seems like more shit like this is happening (Enron, Halliburton, airline bail-outs, big oil) on President Bush's watch. Maybe it just gets more attention in today's media or maybe, and I'm inclined this way, cronyism has run amok in Washington.
That's just because you remember now more than you remember before. Clinton had Whitewater, Hillary's cattle deal, the travel office deal, and the pardoning fiasco.
It is all the time. It is why corporations and special interests pay BIG money to put lobbyists in Washington. And it isn't just Republican, or just Democrat... it's both, equally as bad.
This is probably something that was slipped in by a senator or congressman along with a deal 'if you let me add this, I'll vote for the bill, and this other bill you want passed, too'. And it is probably because this corporation donated xxx amount of dollars who whatever politician's re-election campaign.
It's a horrible system, really, and not at all what the founding fathers intended.