Originally Posted by irateplatypus
i'm sorry my canadian friend... but this is precisely the mentality that i detest among my own countrymen.
let's just re-iterate...
- no one gets free healthcare
- while you pay taxes, YOU are the government. ergo, YOU pick up the tab.
- ok, so the insurance companies are off the hook because everyone gets healthcare, now you're stuck paying it directly.
in an aggregate sense, no one saves money. the only difference is the redistribution of wealth to provide a flatter net wealth curve.
people go round and round on this issue, but often fail to see the very fundamental worldview issue at stake. it all boils down to a single problem "is it just for the government to force you to pay for the healthcare of another?"
or its variant "is it just to force another to pay for your own healthcare needs?"
that's it. that's all there is to it. you have to answer both "yes" to be an intellectually honest proponent of such a system. i'd like to hear any poster justify such a position.
1) It is already a socialized system administered by insurance companies with undue burden placed on your employer which in turn is paid by you out of salary you would have gotten. Taxed is actually the best chance you have to pay only your share.
2) You are already paying the cost, plus additional expense because about 35% of adults cannot go for regular visits to the doctor for preventive care. The high cost of healthcare arises from calamity disease, such as cancer, strokes, heart attacks etc. that could have been prevented or caught early.
3) If you have a major need we cover you as thanks for your generosity of being in the system. It will take about 20 families a whole year of paying premiums in order to cover your short stay at the hospital.
4) You benefit from a healthy population with reliable transportation, goods and services, and entertainment. If you don't believe me you should travel the world and see the quality of life where people don't get healthcare.
5) Who knows what you might catch from one of the "undesirables"??