Originally Posted by Marvelous Marv
That's scary. One good way to evaluate a business is to verify that what they SAY they're collecting matches what is deposited at the bank.
It's not perfect, because they might be running other income through the same account, but it's often a tipoff that something's not right.
Sorry to hear about it.
That's absolutely what I should have done... asked for bank records, too.
Personally I think the guy probably sold drugs through them... not that I'm so against it... I just don't know how on earth they stayed afloat. It took less than a year for them to bring me down. They only made enough money to barely cover employee expenses.
I'm sure he would have said, 'Most of our income is in cash, and we don't really put it in the bank anywhere, so you won't see half of it.'
At which point I would have said, 'Then no thank you.'
Oh well.