Yes, this makes sense--my mom is a very...happy woman sexually, as are most of the women on that side of the family (the things you talk about at family reunions when it's just the girls!). My grandmother on my father's side was evidently also a very orgasmic woman, or at least that's what my grandfather said (he was, quite simply, cool, open, and able to discuss such things) and memories my father has seem to support that claim.
I am a fountain of orgasms, and moreover, a very sexual person--and very comfortable with it. I think genetics play a part, but also the comfort level: my mom never talked with her mom about sex and she wanted it to be the opposite with us. Our family has always been very open about these things. So I think that plays into the psychology of it.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau