These are awesome. I just started training to be an airline pilot, so it's like I'm back in college, but I'm actually studying.
6am: Wake up, shower
6:30: Check the email and breakfast with the family I'm staying with who have been great to me.
7:30: Head to the ass end of the airport in a jail like building for training.
8: Class starts and is like drinking from a firehose. My wrist is sore in 10 minutes and I'm already behind on the notes. Breaks are 10-15 minutes every 45 minutes or so.
Noon: Lunch time. Brought lunch because I don't get paid enough to buy anything.
1pm: Back in class, same schedule as when we started at 8am. Sometimes we'll have a paperwork break or a trip to the main terminal or dispatch for tours, depends on the day.
Somewhere between 4 and 5: Dismissed for the day. We almost always get out 45 minutes early.
5:30: Back home to check the email, relax for an hour
6:30: Start studying the wicked thick manual. Some time before 10 I'll eat and call the GF
10-11: Bed time
That's what pilots do for 2-3 months after they're hired.