Question regarding "mutual masturbation"
well, the topic may be a little 'off-center' but I couldn't put it any better than that.
A *LOT* of people find me weird for my masturbation quirks. What I mean by this is that I have this absolute love and admiration for masturbating while chatting with people online or even in person, while they either know that I'm doing it, or enjoy watching. It almost gets to the point that I prefer it over sex itself, because I find it a whole lot more erotic to know that someone else is interested in watching me pleasure myself and eventually finish by myself, rather than them touching me.
As I said, a lot of people find me very very strange for this. Am I wrong in any way? Is this truly something I should be ashamed of and perhaps keep to myself more?
I ask this publicly because, as I'm sure you could tell, I'm VERY open about this sort of thing, but I dont want to weird people out anymore, and I most certainly don't want to lose possible friendships or anything of that nature.
Point: I enjoy masturbating, and I enjoy doing it while other people know I'm doing it. Is this ok?
Thanks in advance.