Originally posted by TaLoN
being an american i have the right to bash anyone i want.... I never signed a contract saying that i have to like everyone.... the only reason i keep my mouth shut is because this board is unlike reality, it is full of censorship and so called "maturity". i am in no way complaining about it, i am just stating the obvious.
There is a world of difference between expressing a viewpoint that differs from someone else's or expressing criticism, and "bashing". Bashing something is when your words show everyone your ignorance- criticism is when you show them your wit and intelligence.
You don't have to like everyone, OR everything. That's your choice. I don't like a lot of things- children, for one. But I would not disallow you to speak your mind freely in expressing your opinion on said topic, I would embrace your ability to carry a simple, civil conversation.
You keep your mouth shut because you know your "bashing" is not tolerated- those who are critical of others' views do so properly- with respect and maturity.
I have more fun than anyone I know, but that doesn't mean I can't also be a mature human being when the time is appropriate. I am FAR FAR FAR away from being a prud, so don't assume that's where this is coming from. It's just that you might be socially inept.
Thank you all for your great posts, keep them coming.