Originally Posted by tim2shady
The stats are just showing how children need both parents OR you can look at how single parent homes are not in the best interest of our children and how they do have a negative impact on society.
hold it right there, shady.
the stats say x% of (insert insert misbehavior here) come from father homes. IT DOES NOT state any percentages from the total population of single parent homes.
for instance:
there are 10 rapists. 7 of them came from fatherless homes. thus YOUR 70%. there is no mention of how many single parent homes in total there are. perhaps there only 10 homes. in which case, 100% of single parent homes raise rapists. or perhaps there are 10,000 single parent homes. in which case, 0.001% of these homes are raising rapists. in the absence of all the info, the stats you have prevented are VERY skewed.
let's see some sample sizes.